
  • This tab includes registration of all vendor’s for that particular site.
  • all registered vendors will get reflected on gate app in “company name” drop-down field.
  • this tab is exclusively listed on owner and admin panel.
  • vendor’s profile can be edited from this tab as well as delete option is provided.
  • Vendor registration can be a two way process:-

  • 1. VENDOR’S REGISTERED FROM WEB-PANEL BY OWNER OR ADMIN – This data is reflected on gate app vehicle add vehicle “select company” field.
  • once any company is selected from drop-down then by default the category registered under it would be available.
  • NOTE – All details related to gate app would be explained in “GATE APP” features.
  • 2. VENDOR’S CREATED FROM GATE APP BY SECURITY – If any vendor is not registered first hand from web-panel, gate app is provided with an option to register any new vendor, new category or new category for existing venor.
  • this is done by simply selecting “others” option in drop-down filed provided on gate app vehicle add vehicle select company “others”.
  • all the vendors registered from gate app are reflected on web-panel in vendors tab with “gate” mentioned next to vendors compnay name.
  • this helps in identifying all vendors created from gate app and increase a sense of accountability factor.
  • as vendors are created from gate app same is applied to “type of category” field.
  • NOTE -- All details related to gate app would be explained in “GATE APP” features.

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