Vehicle Log

  • Owner & admin can assign visitor log to any particular employee by nominating him/her by simply selecting from drop-down list.
  • User nominated will receive vehicle log on their respective web panel and app.
  • This vehicle log is created by all the vehicle movements recorded from “GATE APP” on daily basis.
  • Once any vehicle is entered on site via gate app then that vehicle starts to reflect in vehicle log.
  • This vehicle is displayed in the form of log in table where columns such as “unique id”, “vehicle no.”, “view” & “status” are provided.
  • For every new vehicle a “unique id” is allotted automatically for better sorting purpose.
  • In “view” column all the details of vehicle are arranged in drop-downs provided such as “Company Details”, “Vehicle Details”, “Document Details”, “Activity-Details”.
  • All details related to that vehicle are provided for example: - “Activity Details” segment in a specific log list down “Entry Details” and “Exit Details” in brief recorded for that specific vehicle.
  • On vehicle log page filters such as “Select Vendor”, “Select Category”, “Type of Exit Material”, “Unique Code” & “Calendar” is provided.
  • User can use this filter in order to access desired data which can be download as pdf and excel via shortcuts provided
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